Thursday, April 2, 2009

Boolean Brothers

Crap! I knew I forgot something! Work on the game is still progressing, albeit it's a little slower than what I would like (my fault). I'm still spriting on and off but due to personal reasons I lost a huge chunk of motivation to do anything. Thankfully I'm recovering and work will pick up as soon as I can get all these school assignments done (more precisely, half-done).

Point of this post is mostly to point you guys in the direction of our game's actual development blog, not just mine: Boolean Brothers

Zedix already posted the first update on the game and it's already out-of-date! He's been working non stop on all sorts of features in the map editor which include a fill bucket (I'm excited about this one because mapping one tile at a time can be freakin' long) and a ton of tweaks. Just check it out.

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