Monday, February 22, 2010

Project is pretty much dead, or is it?

Well the current itiration of MB is pretty much canned. I wanted to keep going but I couldn't do it without my partner who's life has taken a turn for the busy. That being said, I had way too much time invested in the project to let it die. I decided to save some of my assets (mostly the story stuff) and create a much more modest game (think original Earthbound or Dragon Warrior).

The game will be seriously cut down in features but I think the scope is small enough that I can actually finish it. So basically we've downgraded from a SNES look to a NES look. Take a gander at NES-esk Jill:

(Click on bigger version to see unfinished walk cycle)

That's right, I remade her in 16x16 pixels. I think limiting the size of my sprites will help me a lot too. Now I won't fret over every single detail, I'll just do my best with what I have and keep pumping out my graphics.

I was inspired by the team over at the Games & Technology forum of Penny-Arcade who were working on a XNA game called Breath of Death VII. I saw that the 8-bit era games could look fantastic (okay so I'm cheating by using more than the NES's colour palette, sue me ;))

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