Monday, January 28, 2008

Game Design

So I finished reading A Theory of Fun for Game Design by Raph Koster and it is wicked. I have never finished a game so I can't call myself a game designer but I'll gladly say that when I do finish a game I will be a better game designer.

What's so interesting about the book is that it doesn't tell you how to make a good shmup or how to make the coolest flight simulators, instead it focuses on the psychology behind fun and games. So what makes a game fun? Well I'd be spoiling the book if I told you, wouldn't I?

Though I'm going to swear by Raph Koster's book as if it was the Bible and he was Jesus (because Jesus wrote the Bible*) I have to mention I found other great resources on good game design. Some of these are more axed on specific aspects of it (like level design) and some focus on the higher level details.
(I didn't find all these resources by myself but I think it doesn't hurt that I redistribute the links)

*Don't quote me on that...

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