Thursday, January 24, 2008

All Formalities Aside...

<A little bit of history> So as a teenager I was convinced that I wanted to make video games. I ran a Message Board Based Role Playing Game called Oblivianatus for about four years and thought I had the greatest ideas for RPG story lines. Like any snot-nosed teenager who has no clue about such things I would sit on the couch playing games thinking "oh they should have added this or that feature" and that my ideas would make me millions. So far they haven't.

After my first year of university I wanted to make a video game so I started work on a project I simply called The Adventures of Popo. It was supposed to be a Zelda-esk game where a monk traveled through a magical/oriental land exploring various temples trying to unlock the mystery of his past.

A friend and I started work on it (my friend did all the programming, though I helped a little with some of the algorithms)... I'm pretty surprised at how far we got into the game. At the end though our inexperience would kill the project; it was way too ambitious for a first project and all the different hand made pixel art I had to do was wearing me out. (Though working with DirectX7 and C didn't help much either!)

I attempted to work with directX9, mdx, opengl, sdl, allegro, and whatever else but I never really got the hang of any of them. My first completed game was a console application tic tac toe and connect 4 clone that I, so cleverly, called QuadConnect. Screenshots, preview, and source code can all be found on a thread I wrote on the gamedev forums.

Fortunately time and patience has rewarded me and my partner in crime and we now started work on a new project (expect many posts related to it later on).

On a completely unrelated note I would like to point you in the direction of Ravuya. He was the major character in inspiring me (indirectly) to join the indie gaming community.

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