Friday, February 29, 2008

Avoid the Asteroid

The game has taken a hit to productivity. It's not that we don't want to finish it but more that school is interfering.

However my game developing hasn't stopped completely. In my Advanced Design and Reengineering class we have a project where we have to introduce a new technology to the class and develop something with it. Our group has decided to use XNA which is awesome enough because I didn't really get the chance to work with it in Outpost (having focused primarily on graphics).

The game we decided to work on is an Asteroid type game but instead of shooting at the asteroids you just have to avoid them. Your little saucer follows the cursor so it's a very simple game. I have been slaving at it for the past two days and got it to a playable state. Well it's more than just playable; I added sound and introduction/game over screens.

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